Friday, March 11, 2011

Time has flown by

I should be grateful that I am now at the next 10 checkpoint for my blood work.  I never got back to write how I was after the last one.  All was good.  I've had chemo number 3.  Had a long talk with the doctor about how rough the few days post the treatment were on me.  He added a couple of additional drugs to the mix -- mostly anti-nausea.  Seems to have helped a great deal.  I actually was up on my feet over last weekend.  The first two treatments, I was down for the count.  So, it appears there is help.

It's not without its side effects, though.  I got to work on Monday this past week, and ended up leaving within an hour in an ambulance.  Apparently I was having some kind of spasm.  But they wanted to check me for heart issues, blood clots, or infection somewhere.  I have to say that when  you say you have problem, everyone takes it pretty seriously.  I felt silly going to the hospital in the ambulance, but everyone felt I should not be driving.  It worked out ok.  Spent the majority of the day at Swedish. 

So, one and a half weeks before the next treatment.  Then I can officially say I'm more than halfway through.  Can't wait for that moment.  Actually, what I really can't wait for is to have my hair back.  Right now I'm waiting to see what the eyelashes are going to do.  Last time I did chemo in '07, they waited until after the last chemo treatment and then all came out at once.  It was a depressing, but kind of comical moment.  I think I can get past it again, but it took two years for them to come back proper.  Now that was annoying!

I continue to be surrounded by love.  Some very special young ladies, one of whom is a client, brought mom and me the most wonderful vegetarian lasagna.  It was YUMMY!  I have definitely not lost my appetite.  Must be the steroid they give me when they do my treatments.  I've only had a few things taste a little "off" in flavor.  The worst side effect right now is that my finger tips and feet are numb.  I feel like I'm walking on blocks and it's just impossible to open a bottle of anything.  Thank heaven for tools and the large hands of the men in my life!

I'm doing ok with everything.  Struggling a little for my energy a work, but still getting the job done.  It's just hard to brave the 55 mph winds up in Golden and not worry if my wig is going to end up on top of the School of Mines "M" on the side of the mountain.  And the cold really bothers the fingers and toes.  I just sometimes wish this could be a time of more walk-in business.  One can always pray!  But it's not very likely to happen.

I just refuse to give up, so you all know I'm in the fight for the duration.  God will provide.  I know he is working in my life.  I have proof in the people who are loving and praying on me, and the good things that have happened that take the sting out of having to deal with all this again.  It's all good.  It's all for a reason.  It's all about courage and tenacity, in the end.  I think I have plenty of both.  At least until treatment 4 kicks my butt.  We'll see how courageous I feel then.

I'll try to be more consistent with my blog writing.  It's actually a nice diversion to spend  little time here talking to you.  Blessings on you all!!

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