Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Good Report

At the 10 day mark, I have to go in to get blood drawn and make sure my white blood cell count has not spiraled downward.  I did that yesterday -- braving the ice and snow to drive across town.  Seriously, it was COLD!!  But, I got a good report.  Everything looks good. 

I'm feeling pretty good right now.  Started doing yoga and decided I would do some weight lifting.  I think I picked the wrong day to start the weights.  The very next morning, I had to chip ice off my car.  We're talking the kind that looks like someone permanently glazed the windows.  By the time I was done, my arms hurt pretty bad.  And I continue to be sore today.  But, I'm just glad I was able to do some exercising.  Doc said if I can keep moving, it will be the best thing for me and I'll fare better through all the treatments.  I'm not sure he really gets how hard it is to pick your head off the pillow on those last few treatments.  But, the one thing I don't have this time that I had to deal with the last time is the aftermath of the surgeries.  Those added so much physical pain that I do believe I will do better this time around.

So far I have my hair.  I check it every 5 minutes to see if it's still holding.  I desperately need to get a haircut and a hi-lite, but I just don't see the point of spending the money if it's all going to come out.  Besides, I usually hi-lite my own hair and I'm terrified to try to pull the hair through the little holes with the little hook you use.  I don't think I could cope if I tried the first batch of hair and it all came out. 

I just told someone in an email that I wish my hair would just let me know already what the plan is.  I don't do non-specifics real well.  Maybe this is a lesson for me about being more flexible.  I could think of less life-threatening ways to teach me that lesson, but whatever!

But, the good news is, I feel pretty good right now.  I was able to take Max, my giant schnauzer, for a couple of walks.  It's much better when I can take him to the off-leash park.  He gets three times as much exercise and I don't feel guilty that I'm slowing him down.  It's a good arrangement.

Next treatment is 2/9.  Oh goodie -- can't wait!  I'm thinking this blog will get updated weekly-ish.  Hopefully I can stay true to that.  I suppose it will all depend on how I feel.

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